naming (in General)

Ancient Anubis April 8 2009 5:56 AM EDT

hi i just need a clearer idea on how this works. When naming armour it gives a 4% boost to AC so a +50tsa will gain +2 ac does this also mean that in cases where armour gives bonuses will those bonuses increase to the level the ac is increased to. In this case will u get an extra 2% to st as if u had a +52 TSA unnamed. I ask this cause i don't remember seeing an increase to st and dx due to naming in the past and i wish to know whether we should see an increase and whether or not that increase is being given already?

iBananco [Blue Army] April 8 2009 6:25 AM EDT

Naming an armor gives an extra .04*(Base + enchantment) to enchantment, regardless of whether enchantment gives AC, stats, or both. Flat bonuses such as those on SBs aren't affected.
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