Team Fortress 2 (in Off-topic)

kevlar April 10 2009 3:46 PM EDT

So I'm trying to get into this game, but I'm still an original TFC geek who is having a hard time adjusting. I haven't read much about it but it seems like it is designed to be even more fast paced than the original and life without concs is rough.

Anyone have any tips on how to play? :)

chaosal April 10 2009 4:03 PM EDT

soldier's a good base starter class... keep splash damage in mind. everything else depends on your play style...

kevlar April 10 2009 4:16 PM EDT

I was an O medic in the original, so was always in the other base going for the flag. Medics are 100% different now... they are actually supposed to heal people instead of being the core O unit, lol

HW is pretty ez, and I have been fooling with Soldier.

chaosal April 10 2009 4:23 PM EDT

scouts are the primary flag grabbers, since they're so fast and have a double jump. soldiers and demo men can get extra height from their explosions, but it's damaging.
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