Aoj +10 (in General)

Soul Eater April 17 2009 12:43 AM EDT

What is the difference between an AoJ +10 and the regular AoJ's that show up in Auction? I've heard that the +10 AoJ's are bugged if so is there a way for an admin to correct this?

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- April 17 2009 12:57 AM EDT

All of the AoJs are +10, the ones that were spawned in auctions became +10 after being transferred to the winning bidder.

Soul Eater April 17 2009 1:00 AM EDT

You sure about that?

Rawr April 17 2009 1:02 AM EDT

Yes. I purchased an AoJ base from Jon's recent AoJ fill in Auctions. When I received it from the Auctioneer (Central Bank?), it was an AoJ +10.

make Amulet of Junctions short name pass the spell check, by the way please

Rawr April 17 2009 1:04 AM EDT

AND, if you decide to take the time to look at the items overview, ALL of the AoJ's shown are +10. So your +10 AoJ is supposed to give that much enc, or whatever bug you think is happening.

Bottom line: no bugs here

Soul Eater April 17 2009 1:23 AM EDT

Okay thanks for the input.
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