Here's a thought (PL Strategy) (in General)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- April 27 2009 7:24 PM EDT

4m PL/Wall/RoBF strategy.

Two minions train 1/3 PL and the rest fully into HP.
Minion 3 (fourth to die) trains 100k AMF and the rest into HP.
Minion 4 (third to die) trains 1/3 GA and the rest into HP

So the "kill order" looks like this:


As in; the first minion will PL until he dies, then the 4th minion will pl until he dies, then the 3rd minion will pl until he dies, then the fourth (robf minion) will take full damage.

To do this, you train minion 1's PL one point above minion 2, who's pl is one point over minion 3.
(I most likely said that wrong, so try to understand when combining to the information below)

So it will look like this:

Minion 1:
1/3 PL / Max HP
TSA / full wall gear / MGS

Minion 2:
1/3 GA / Max HP
TSA/ full wall gear / MS

Minion 3:
100k AMF / Max HP
HoC / RoBF / MS (As close to full wall gear as you can get while using a tattoo / HoC lol)

Minion 4:
1/3 PL / Max HP
TSA / full wall gear / MGS

The thought behind this:
Step 1: The high AC across the board will minimize the damage as much as possible with two MGS and two MS.

Step 2: The PL Will absorb a little under ﾿half? the damage to each minion give or take. (I'm not sure about the PL ratio, but the object is to absorb about 30-40% from each minion ideally)

Step 3: The 100k AMF should deal with decay and provide a tiny amount of backlash to mages.

Step 4: The GA will give a nice return to damage dealers, while you're not investing enough into it for DM to really hurt the strategy. (You're not relying on GA damage for the kill, the ROBF will be your hammer)

Step 5: The TSA's across the board will help replenish HP across the board, with the PL's only taking about 30-40% damage from each minion. This will allow the minions a bit more survivability, combined with the damage reduction of 3 fullish walls, RoBF's magic damage reduction, Ga's damage reduction, a minor amount of AMF, and 2x large MgS to further decrease the magic damage.

The thought behind this was that you're controlling the kill order obviously, while giving your minions maximum survivability by not overloading them with TOO much damage.

The only thing that I'm unsure about is the PL ratios.


iBananco [Blue Army] April 27 2009 10:42 PM EDT

You're losing out on half of your GA potential with all that PL.

iBananco [Blue Army] April 27 2009 10:43 PM EDT

Also, GA doesn't reduce damage.

Hurikayne April 29 2009 12:28 AM EDT

Rethink GA.

And you could probably use AoI to reduce number of minions and concentrate exp/skill distribution.

You could probably roll it into a PL wall, 1 real wall, 1 RoBF minion. But if you want to equip 2-3 tanks go for it.

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] April 29 2009 12:32 AM EDT

Hurikayne, that strat sounds familiar. :P
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