The Unofficial Review Section (in Off-topic)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 7 2009 6:52 AM EDT

So here is the area to post your misc. reviews of books, movies, music, video games.
I'm just curious in finding out what the CB communities interests are. It would also be preferable if you could post a final verdict on a score from 1-10. ;)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 7 2009 8:34 AM EDT

Okay. I'll do the first one:

Lord Foul's Bane (The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Book 1).

Final Verdict: 4/10

I've got to say, I had high hopes for this book. It's been raved about excessively, but, it turned out to be sort of a let down. Here's a brief summary of what I thought: Like Narnia (but without the charm, heart, and good characters), but more mature. (With the lovely inclusion of the the absolute, bar none, most annoying protagonist ever.)
It's really not that bad, but seriously. It's opening was very promising, and it was actually a great book. Right up until we go to this Lothlorien rip-off Elf place. Then it's like kicking a rock off a cliff.
If it isn't a Lord of the Rings hack, then it lacks basic creativity. And the names are abominable. "Lord Foul"? Does that sound like a frightening antagonist? How about "Drool Rockworm"? Are you afraid? *sighs*
On the plus side, it did give me quite a bit to think about as a decidedly sub-par psychological novel. But it also tried to be a D&D campaign. It had potential as a beat-the-dark-lord-and-save-the-world adventure (if our "hero" was slightly more clever), but it had vastly more potential if was a morally complex novel that focused on 1). If the place is real or not (It is most likely that Thomas' sanity is snapping), and 2). Exploring the consequences of the rape scene at the beginning of the book. (He, Thomas, get's completely off the hook).
But, sadly, it fails at both.
Definitely not worth your money, and probably not worth your time.

Mesoshort May 7 2009 10:05 AM EDT

Okay, here goes..

Heavenly Sword for PS3 4/10
Graphics 9/10 Story line 9/10 and ease of play 8/10

Overall it only gets a four because it was just ... too short. Or maybe too easy. Either way I beat it in less than 4 hours. It was a really fun game and I look forward to what they do with GoW 3. :)
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