Firefox CB BA "WIDGET" not really a widget (in General)

{cb2}ShadeSlayer May 28 2009 12:00 PM EDT

If you have firefox you can right click under the link bar, create a new bookmark and name it whatever you want

then paste

in the location part

check the box that says open in sidebar

then click on your new bookmark


{cb2}ShadeSlayer May 28 2009 12:04 PM EDT

Daz May 28 2009 12:40 PM EDT

If you use Vista/7, then this is..... uhhh.... passable? It leaves a horrible web-page-type thing on your desktop, though. You can set it to any refresh interval you like. I suggest higher is better, so Jon doesn't go insane. Just put the address in and it should go. If I weren't so lazy, I'd just make my own Vista/7 gadget to do the trick in a neater fashion, but alas (Also, I just leave firefox open, with CB as the main page, so I can always see it).
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