Artemis/Marl (in Public Record)

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] June 8 2009 1:03 PM EDT

I'm instaing up my DBs for Marl's larger pair. I'm paying 90%.

A Pair of Displacement Boots [0] (+101) NW: $15,747,411- Boots of Hermes [0] (+60) NW: $4,322,200 = $11,425,211

$11,425,211 x .9 = $10,282,689.9

$10,282,689.9 - 1M for naming = $9,282,689.9 total owed

I will send over the smaller pair and the cash as soon as this is confirmed.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] June 8 2009 1:53 PM EDT

Marlfox (Battalion) Artemis (Ares the Great) A Pair of Displacement Boots ($15747441) 1:53 PM EDT

Please send to Battalion. Thank you.
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