Idiotz // Darkfurry (in Public Record)

idiotz July 13 2009 11:41 AM EDT

I have bought Darkfurry's BoM Metal Fist [10] (+30) for 8mil and insta'd my bow (Misfire of the Idiotz [6x4500] (+145))up to his An Elven Bazooka [6x11000] (+188) at 65% which is 52mil. I have no more than a year to pay this. He has sent the bow and BoM already. and I have sent 10mil along with my bow.

idiotz (Luwal) Warlord Darkfurry (Lord of Wars) Misfire of the Idiotz ($73390447) 11:38 AM EDT

idiotz (Luwal) Warlord Darkfurry (Lord of Wars) $10000000 11:38 AM EDT

idiotz July 20 2009 7:36 PM EDT

idiotz (Luwal) Forger Furry (Lord of Wars) $5000000 -- payment 7:35 PM EDT

45mil left.
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