Kovenant. Finally something exciting in music. (in Off-topic)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- July 30 2009 11:01 PM EDT

I don't know how many metal heads are here, but I've personally been waiting for the 'new' kovenant album for what.... 5 years???


A full song was leaked, and I'm sooooooooooo excited... I haven't been excited about music in a long time with metal slowly and slowly becoming the most boring reproduced genre on the market, but this album (if ever released) promises to be worth the wait.

This song brought tears to my eyes, because it's exactly what I've been waiting for.

Down with the screamo clones and up with originality!!!

Kovenant > all

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- July 30 2009 11:20 PM EDT

Also, at ~2:00 into the song there is talking of some sort mixed under the music. Likely this song is unfinished (being a leak) or it could be some sort of easter egg...

If anyone is handy with sound editing software and wants to see if they can "decipher" it. I will pay soooooo many millions :O

Rawr July 31 2009 2:32 AM EDT

that stuff sounds like boss fight music to me. I like it!

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 4 2009 7:35 AM EDT

70s sound is nice; those fellows need to chill on the facepaint. And weirdness.

PearsonTritonRaveshaw August 7 2009 12:45 AM EDT

Part of the talking at the 2 minute mark was a countdown saying "Three, two, one..." Sounds like it's part of the song to me.
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