Question! (in General)

Drama [Just for fun] August 3 2009 5:29 PM EDT

Just like that, why does it that all the stat boosters item don't work with GS and Haste?

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 3 2009 5:31 PM EDT

Because any ED boosters boost GS and haste

iBananco [Blue Army] August 3 2009 5:31 PM EDT

CB obeys PEMDAS.

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 3 2009 5:32 PM EDT

Because stat boosters affect train stats and GS and haste are post battle bonuses. Its the same reason that the TsA doesn't regenerate AS HP.

Drama [Just for fun] August 3 2009 5:33 PM EDT

Yeah you're right, but GOD those ED boosters cost a trip to the moon.

Cube August 3 2009 5:35 PM EDT

Stat boosters aren't hurt extra by EC as well.

Drama [Just for fun] August 4 2009 1:32 AM EDT

Then why does BL and archery reacts with GS and SS doesn't with AS.
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