what do you train UC too? (in General)

Aera Cura August 4 2009 11:11 PM EDT

So i decided too train UC on my RoE Ncb team, basically cause i'm using a SoD for ranged and will most likely use a bloodlusted bone in melee when its all said and done, but for right now. My enc isnt high enough for both a Sod and bone so i trained UC. My question is what do you train UC too, here's my levels. Also there charactor name is Sweeney ToDD. (notice the effect is 0?

Hit Points 143,107
Strength 171,218 143,881
Dexterity 148,254 148,254
Unarmed Combat 3,068 27,041 0 2

TheHatchetman August 4 2009 11:14 PM EDT

the trick with UC is linear stat-boosting gears (the Gi and HGs), which boost UC's level by hundreds of thousands (greatly increasing your encumbrance limit) with those, you can keep your UC pretty close to base for a good little while and still do good damage in melee.

Aera Cura August 4 2009 11:17 PM EDT

I have 1.7 million exp points in strength and 350k in UC. My effect is still 0? meh.. so i need new equipment?

Aera Cura August 4 2009 11:25 PM EDT

Thanks Hg's did the trick =D

TheHatchetman August 4 2009 11:41 PM EDT

UC is weird cuz of all it's linear effect penalties/boosts that make the hugest differences in levels. Lot's of items (In fact, most items) have a (-5) penalty to UC
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