I need some strategy advice. (in General)

Drama [Just for fun] August 9 2009 9:59 AM EDT

I got 2 general questions.

1. I'm focussing on AS with my RoS, but I was wondering if it would be better to focus on GS instead?

2. I just bought a fourth minion and I'm not sure what to train on him. Haste, EC, DM, AMF, SS, a DD, AS or GA.

Thanks for the help old sages.

winner winner August 9 2009 10:26 AM EDT

I would unlearn the GS and train GA on that minion instead and keep using the RoS on the AS minion.

Drama [Just for fun] August 9 2009 10:48 AM EDT

My tank is relying on that GS to inflict some decent damage and so is my NW overall. I don't know if I can get rid of GS on my third minion. My fourth has nothing trained so GA could be a good possibility.
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