Returned Unpaid!! WTH!! (in General)

Shark August 12 2009 7:44 AM EDT

I had some trouble with Paypal and my bank/debit card over the weekend...(3) 11.00 dollar items were returned unpaid...those 11.00 items came from here...
The money came right out of my acct when I had done the transactions, showed a balance with the money paid.
Now wednsday my acct is negged 113.00...and tells me (3)11.00 dollar items were returned unpaid..So with that looks like I owe Jon 33.00...and since I had the stuff sent to me..:*(

no more mr nice guy

Shark August 12 2009 8:29 PM EDT

I know what happened now :*(

I can't tell in the pages they sent me with all the refunds and charges and then re-charged and then fee charged and then more fees, I just dont know...

I hope Jon got his money
Finger of Death? I own it..would you like to borrow it for awhile?
its killing me!!
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