Jiggy UC level question. (in General)

QBJohnnywas August 13 2009 6:06 AM EDT

Jiggy UC level (and it's evasion level) don't appear to be growing, despite the tattoo growing. Am I missing something, or am I just between UC level points?

My post battle stats show my UC as 3100, and evasion as 120. They haven't changed for some days.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 13 2009 6:10 AM EDT

You are between points. Jiggy UC always stays the same for a good amount of time until you reach the point where you get the next effect, then everything jumps. Even with an NCB my jiggy only goes up 1 effect usually every 5-6 days.

QBJohnnywas August 13 2009 6:13 AM EDT

I thought that might be the case. Thanks!
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