Support your local game master (in Off-topic)

AdminQBVerifex August 13 2009 3:14 PM EDT


Some of you might know me as Verifex, the guy who says weird stuff in chat and does some admin stuff, but little do you know, I also run a role playing game in chat. I have been running this game for a while now, but I'm having problems with attendance. I can't rely on many of them to show up anymore, so, I'm putting out a casting call for new players.

If you're interested in playing in this game, here is what you'll need to know to play:

Background: This game is based about 30 years in the future, most of what exists today still exists in this future with a few distinct differences. (e.g. spinners [flying cars], virtuality [a digital overlay on reality that is indistinguishable], cyberplague [a nanite virus that gives players abilities])

Your Character: To create a character you need a few things:
  • You play a kid aged anywhere from 8 to 18.
  • Pick your tag (name, feel free to be creative here)
  • Pick your gender, weight, height and a short description of your character.
  • You belong to a YoGang (youth gang), a list of which can be found here: List.
    I can send you a better description and background for each yogang if you contact me.

When we play: Every Thursday at 8pm PST (west coast US time) and Sunday at 8pm PST.

After having all this, you are ready to play, I look forward to hearing from you. :)

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 13 2009 3:55 PM EDT

Fexy, next week I will try to be there. But the week after I should be there for sure. :)

TheHatchetman August 13 2009 3:58 PM EDT

*hands Nem his trusty strange symbol*

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] August 13 2009 3:58 PM EDT

Bleeeeh. I'd be at work. Good luck with finding new players though, from what I've heard it looks like a lot of fun :)

FailBoat[SG] [Forever Alone] August 13 2009 4:00 PM EDT

I'd join you Fexy but... I raid at those times. lol

And as a former player, I can attest to the fact that it is lots of fun.

ceslis August 13 2009 4:22 PM EDT

I am down. This sounds like fun =)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- August 13 2009 8:02 PM EDT

Sucks, I would play but BOTH times happen to be the exact same times as the MTG tournaments I play in my area. :O (free bump)!

kevlar August 13 2009 9:35 PM EDT

I would like to, but my schedule isn't that static to make those times :/
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