SoC question. (in General)

Rawr August 15 2009 2:16 PM EDT

So the SoC absorbs damage based on its (+) and returns it if the next hit hits with a hammer class weapon. The damage is returned by adding the damage to the next HIT. So, does that mean if I used a MoD, the damage would be double the amount (against AS HP)?

gols090 [forge of me] August 15 2009 2:18 PM EDT
Scroll down to Nightstrike's post.

Rawr August 15 2009 2:20 PM EDT

so basically its unanswered -.- thx for the thread though haaha

gols090 [forge of me] August 15 2009 2:22 PM EDT

Well, I believe him when he was "sounding it out." :)
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