Large tattoos (in General)

lostling August 17 2009 7:50 PM EDT

Are they worth anything anymore? As a person who has delicated one who character to saving large tattoos from store... Im interested to know... I mean the amount of large tattoos being sold is staggering...
And... What do older players have anymore? Money? Some yes some no... Oh wait there is usd... Experience? Debatable... For everything there is wiki :) large tattoos? Oh wait someone is selling one... Lol

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 17 2009 7:52 PM EDT

Well, I suppose it depends on what you're definition of "large tattoos" is. Is it 6M? 5M? Even 4M?
I would consider a "large" tattoo at around the 5.5M level. 6M, even, now-a-days.
As to what the top players have... well, they are the top, aren't they?

Rubberduck[T] [Hell Blenders] August 17 2009 7:53 PM EDT

Large rental businesses? ;)

QBJohnnywas August 17 2009 7:54 PM EDT

I've bought and sold several larger tattoos. I've paid and been paid a small percentage over the sell to the store price. But, unless they're really huge you won't get much more than the sell to the store price.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] August 17 2009 8:00 PM EDT

For example, I'd say about (this is all speculation, of course) 5.5M is about the baseline for "large".
I was able to insta to a 4.7M tat for 35% a week ago, and I'd say you could get 45-50% for said 5.5M level one.
I would consider, going by insta rates, 50% to be the minimum insta NW for big tats.

Just my opinion, of course.

lostling August 17 2009 8:55 PM EDT

Quite sad :) i suppose might sell them all to store lol ah well

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] August 17 2009 8:56 PM EDT

I just sold my tat for 50% nw
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