VB and ES (in Debates)

Unappreciated Misnomer August 29 2009 5:24 PM EDT

Taken from the Wiki:

Elven Stiletto
Base Damage: 55
Base To Hit: 60
Reduces effective AC/Endurance by 50% on attack.

Vorpal Blade
Base Damage : 67
Base To Hit: 60
Ignores 50% of effective AC and Endurance

Other than the damage, are they not the same? I mean can the ES ever over take the VB? Im hung up on the wording of Reduces and Ignores, those are two different things, but im feeling they are really the same.

QBOddBird August 29 2009 5:27 PM EDT

Yeah, from what I understood they are the same, both imbued with the "vorpal" property.

TheHatchetman August 29 2009 6:40 PM EDT

and both "ignore", rather than "reduce"
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