Max to half... (in General)

Drama [Just for fun] September 6 2009 2:32 AM EDT

Now I know the damage you do is random, but I fought with my CoC mage against single non-AMF minion and in 4 rounds I might get 30k damage or 15k. I also use a elb and I don't see such difference between MPB and lowest blow. Why is my CoC so affected by random damage?

Cube September 6 2009 2:38 AM EDT

It's very hard to judge randomness as a human without crunching numbers. How many battle did you check?

Drama [Just for fun] September 6 2009 2:44 AM EDT

Well it's against a single Minion with no AMF and no gear so I'm supposedly doing pure damage. l must be at my 20 fight against him and still get the same results.

Drama [Just for fun] September 6 2009 2:50 AM EDT

Enigma takes damage from his own Cone of Cold (0)!Enigma's Cone of Cold hit Phobophile [17852]ᅠ
Melee Combat
Enigma takes damage from his own Cone of Cold (0)!Enigma's Cone of Cold hit Phobophile [18691]
ᅠEnigma takes damage from his own Cone of Cold (0)!Enigma's Cone of Cold hit Phobophile [30316]Phobophile beat Enigma [10251]
ᅠEnigma takes damage from his own Cone of Cold (0)!Enigma's Cone of Cold hit Phobophile [21225

Cube September 6 2009 2:52 AM EDT

All damage should fluctuate by 50%. However, Elb damage also ramps up as the ranged penalties come off during melee. At lower levels AC's fixed damage reduction can come into play to also throw off the numbers, so as I said it's hard to judge.

Drama [Just for fun] September 6 2009 2:57 AM EDT

Then why does AMF do the same damage every round when it's supposed to be about damage dealt.

Drama [Just for fun] September 6 2009 2:59 AM EDT

Caculates the MPB you could do with no resistance and deal a % of it every rounds?

Cube September 6 2009 2:59 AM EDT

AMF is special, I dunno. Anyway, it does 40% of the %AMF * the max possible damage back.

Drama [Just for fun] September 6 2009 3:03 AM EDT

Ok thanks.
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