Too much verbal communication? (in Debates)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] September 7 2009 7:10 AM EDT

For some reason, RPS was linking to this WSJ article about how Gen. Y people might be reading too much. (But not the right kind of reading.)
Read the article, discuss.

Sickone September 7 2009 1:01 PM EDT

A bit doomy and gloomy, but mostly right, sadly.
Well, it's not completely hopeless though, it's not like non-verbal communication would disappear overnight... it just changes, and the "older generation" has it radically different from the ones to follow... but at least the newer generation is much more evenly spread all across the world.
Things change. Better, worse, only time will tell, and by then nobody of us will be able to care anymore :)
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