PS2 problems *sigh* (in Off-topic)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- September 20 2009 2:39 AM EDT

So I really want to play my Kingsfield 1 and 2, as well as my FF7 games (all PSX games), and have been jumping through hoop after hoop...

I got my hands on all three Kingsfield titles and was excited as only a person who has played these games can be to get home and jump in...

Only to find out I didn't have a PS1 memory card anywhere... So I beat KF3 (being the only one I could save at the time)...

The day after I beat it, my girlfriend stops at a local gaming store and purchases a PS1 Sony memory card (the official 128 or whatever)...

So in the time it takes her to get home, somehow the PS2 stops working... completely... So I take it apart and try to fix it... Nada...


So about a week? goes by, and my grandma calls me and I tell her I'm sitting on all three KF titles and unable to play them. She tells me she will buy us new PS2s to play them on from a local pawn shop, (I have NO money after current medical bills, as in zilch, nada, etc) so I'm like right on!

Fast forward to today, I go over to her house, and she got me a very clean looking PS2 Slim. Right on. So I go home to find out 2 things...

1. The Slim will not recognize my PS1 memory card (at all)... (sigh)
2. The Slim is somehow modified, or something... everything it does is at LEAST 2x faster...

The PS2 startup, is like a blink of an eye, the games I load in it, are going at hyper speed, (almost too fast to play... almost...)

I know nothing about mods and or what not, but KF2 (the only game I've booted up so far) is a pretty "slow" game, and I could barely keep up with how fast it was playing... I'm scared to boot a faster paced game (the only other games besides my PS1 games that I want to play is Dirge of Cerberus (shudder)....)

So I don't really know what to do... I've gone to the system settings on bootup to look at for anything abnormal and there is a MAC address in there...


Such a pain....

/end rant.
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