Make a quick 100k CBD! (in Services)

BHT September 24 2009 6:47 PM EDT

Here we go again...

This time the site is

To get the 100k you need to do the following:
1.) Create a bogus email address (or use one that you dont mind being filled with spam)
2.) Post or CM me your Email
3.) I will email you the referral link to the email you give me
4.) Open the email and sign up for InboxDollars under me (use the bogus email addy)
5.) Complete any offer, game, or do online shopping (does not include the starter surveys or reading emails)
6.) Enjoy a nifty 100,000 CBD

Also note:
You get $5 for siging up and $1 for the starter surveys which take like 2mins.

Thanks for the help guys and have fun making money!

BHT September 27 2009 12:50 AM EDT


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