Worthless Clan Battles (in General)

Wraithlin October 26 2009 10:16 PM EDT

Now that I've been in the game for about a month, i'm started to get farmed by clan people that are 4-8 times my MPR. Is it actually worthwhile to try to keep your clan score positive by wasting time attacking someone for what is probably -30% challenge to get clan points so that you can fight other people with the +10-15% clan bonus?

Should I be attacking more clan targets even though I vastly overpower them so that I get my clan score higher?

Guardian October 26 2009 10:19 PM EDT

you must try to mix, like 25 guys from clan +6 points, and other 25 guys not from clan but max rewards possible.

I by example have 12 non clan, and 29 with clan +6

Guardian October 26 2009 10:20 PM EDT

of course, only if u are not achieving at least 1000 real cp

Wraithlin October 26 2009 10:21 PM EDT

So if i'm already maintaining 1k-2k cp on average, then i shouldn't bother farming clan people yet?

AdminNightStrike October 26 2009 10:43 PM EDT

Do what's best for your character. If the clan is smart, they'll endure a lower bonus for a short term so that you grow larger and can thus create a much larger bonus long term.

Demigod October 26 2009 10:54 PM EDT

Just focus on earning positive net clan points while keeping your challenge bonus as high as you can. You won't have to worry so much once your MPR is in the millions, but right now, you have a chance to land 100% challenge bonuses.

AdminQBVerifex October 27 2009 1:42 AM EDT

Welcome to the dead zone Wraithlin, while you are waiting please feel free to enjoy a tall cold glass of "too bad". I can't join a clan because everyone above me attacks me 24/7 when I'm in a clan. Maybe if I stay on 24/7 I might be able to break even, but there is no way in hell I can stay positive in the score/pr placement I'm in.

There aren't enough people in this position though for there to be a fix/balance made on this though. :(
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