Disenchanting (in General)

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 30 2009 6:14 PM EDT

I would really like the ability to disenchant non-rare armour and weapons. Make it so you get half of the money you put into it you get back from disenchanting and you have to pay a fee for disenchanting non-rare items but allow us to disenchant them please.

[P]Mitt October 30 2009 6:24 PM EDT

No. Then people would be buying things from the store, disenchanting them, and selling them back for a profit.

There is enough inflation in this game because of the NUB that this should never be implemented.

Sickone October 30 2009 7:14 PM EDT

If the store would only spawn base items you would no longer have this problem.

{WW]Nayab [Cult of the Valaraukar] October 30 2009 7:19 PM EDT

well maybe the way to fix this would be to enable disenchanting of non-rares as mentioned above, make it so that businesses only spawn base equipment and that when initiated, removal or reseting of the items in weapons and armour. i.e. get rid of them and respawn or set them back to x1 +0 or +0.
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