I need help with my strategy. (in General)

winner winner December 9 2009 10:37 AM EST

So my strategy is not working very well. I only have 5 characters at 100% challenge bonus when I had over 12 a couple weeks. I have around 800k DM on my enchanter. 750k HP, 1.78m ST, and 820k DX with archery trained to 1/5th of my ST. Is there anyway I can improve my strategy so I can beat more people?

kevlar December 9 2009 10:48 AM EST

Increase the HP on your archer? What is your AS at?

winner winner December 9 2009 11:04 AM EST

base AS

QBJohnnywas December 9 2009 12:52 PM EST

I agree, more HP on the archer, train some of that AS too to boost your Hal's HP. But also up your ST and dex. How big is the bow? How much can you afford to boost it's X?

QBJohnnywas December 9 2009 12:59 PM EST

Also, work out who does the most damage, the Hal or the real archer. That's where your focus should be, improving that damage dealer.

BHT December 9 2009 1:13 PM EST

Seems like a decent strat to me...

winner winner December 9 2009 3:50 PM EST

QBJohnnyWas 12:59 PM EST
Also, work out who does the most damage, the Hal or the real archer. That's where your focus should be, improving that damage dealer.
real archer

An Elven Long Bow [6x5346] (+115)
That's the bow.

QBJohnnywas December 9 2009 3:58 PM EST

Boost your tank: HP/ST/Dex.

Where the HP is concerned, 750k really isn't a lot. Your guy won't take much damage. Take a look at the archers higher up, mine, Ranger's, Zenai's for instance look at the ratio of HP to Strength and Dex. You'll never be wasting your time boosting HP.

winner winner December 9 2009 4:00 PM EST

should I boost AS and HP or just one?

QBJohnnywas December 9 2009 4:07 PM EST

I would do both for a little while, then switch to AS/ST for a while. Go back and forth on those two for a little while.

winner winner December 9 2009 4:09 PM EST

alright, so I shouldn't increase my DX for awhile?

QBJohnnywas December 9 2009 4:13 PM EST

You probably won't need it for a little while, but keep an eye on how many hits you're getting. If you start missing tank/hal teams then start boosting it.

winner winner December 9 2009 4:16 PM EST

ok sounds good, thanks for the help :)
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