ToA vs Junctioning a Hal? (in General)

CombatSquirrel December 14 2009 11:08 PM EST

My current strategy is two minions, one with a huge EC, base decay, and then a ToA sling of death minion. With my NUB being gone for a month now, I realize it is impossible to keep upping my weapons with the best of CB. All that free NW of the Hal is very tempting and if I were to get a few pointers on the switch, it would be great.

Rawr December 15 2009 12:05 AM EST

Going huge DM with a Hal and a regular tank/archer is very solid. Junction the hal to your enchanter and get yourself a TSA and EC to make up for the ToA (definitely is a good trade). Unless you are considering dropping your tank dude since you mentioned weapon cost. In that case, DM and AS are solid choices, maybe throw some PL around....
1. DM, junction hal
2. PL, AS

Or something like that
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