Pats - Ravens tomorrow. (in Off-topic)

[P]Mitt January 9 2010 10:07 PM EST

The line is set at the Patriots -3.5 (or Ravens +3.5)

I'll bet up to 500k (in 100k chunks, take as many as you want/can afford) on the Ravens +1.5 over the Patriots.

Which means you get a bonus.

Cutoff for bets tomorrow is 12PM EST (if they haven't all been filled up)

Gotta hedge my Pats somehow :)

Miandrital January 9 2010 10:47 PM EST

I'll put 100k down on the ravens

+1.5 means you get a bonus though

[P]Mitt January 9 2010 11:26 PM EST

I'm betting on the Ravens +1.5, not the other way around :)

Miandrital January 9 2010 11:31 PM EST

I see, in that case it will be a very cold day when I bet for the pats, sorry :(

Listener [Fees Dirt Cheap] January 10 2010 1:41 AM EST

OK, I'll take 200k on the patriots -1.5

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] January 10 2010 2:56 AM EST

Is record lows across the new england area. ;)

kevlar January 10 2010 3:22 AM EST

it's going to be a very interesting game, with the non-Welker adjusting and the Raven penalty addiction

[P]Mitt January 10 2010 10:08 AM EST

2 hours to kickoff,

Listener has 200k on the Pats -1.5

300k remaining!

Demigod January 10 2010 10:19 AM EST

I'm not betting on this game, but the Pats are favored to win by 3.5.

[P]Mitt January 10 2010 10:24 AM EST

I know, see my original post (at top).

I'm giving better odds for other people (and worse odds for me) because I want more people to bet.

I'm willing to pay 500k for my Pats to win.

[P]Mitt January 10 2010 12:00 PM EST

Betting is now closed.

My 200k against Listener's 200k.
Ravens + 1.5 against Patriots.

[P]Mitt January 10 2010 4:31 PM EST

From: Listener Sent: 10:21 AM EST Delivered: 10:23 AM EST
I'm going to be out of town today, so if I lose, I'll pay you Monday, around 3pm server time. Hope it's a good game!

Well, it wasn't a good game and the Pats lost. 200k doesn't come close to making me feel any better, but I guess it's a start.

Next year though....
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