Women who like to look good (in Debates)

AdminQBVerifex January 19 2010 1:48 AM EST

I was reading through this, and I began to think to myself that this guy might have a point. But I'm not so sure, do you think this is just more self-help mumbo jumbo?

Is he simply stating something that sounds intellectually easy to understand, or something that is an actual problem?

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] January 19 2010 2:10 AM EST

Repackaged Red Book mumbo jumbo. How dare find interest in this push-ware from the Today show. 1 point has been deducted from your man card.

AdminQBVerifex January 19 2010 2:36 AM EST

Gun, tsk tsk, remember this is not off-topic.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] January 19 2010 3:41 AM EST

I'll debate your manhood another day. ;)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] January 19 2010 6:59 AM EST

It seemed a little too close to the "She was asking for it!" excuse to sit comfortably with me.

I appreciate an attractive form, male or female, and will admit that the "beautiful people" get things easier in life than thier less comely companions, but the article (from what I read, I didn't get through its entirety) seemed to try to excuse away businessmen getting distracted by tight fitting clothing by our hardwired nature, and that even thought it wasn't the intention of the women (or man? the article seemed a little too biased), the majority of men thought "she was asking for it".

Don't get me wrong, I'm firmly on the side of Incubus (I need a map of your head, translated into English, so I can learn to not make you frown), and the Mars/Venus seperation of the genders. I never could while courting, and still have enourmous problems fathoming out what women really want/mean, but in no way do I just blithly assume "They're asking for it".

Visual dilemma? No. And forming it so it's the womans problem she is distracting the men, and she should 'dress down' a 'figure to kill for'.

Either the article should have been published decades ago, or she really was asking for it...
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