Chomsky on Anarchy, Marxism, and Democracy (in Links)

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 4 2010 6:21 PM EST

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] February 5 2010 8:18 AM EST

A very interesting interview. I can't say that I agree with him completely, but on several points I believe he was spot on. From this interview (alone, I admit), Chomsky seems to be the embodiment of the left-wing libertarian-anarchist (I would identify myself as a right-wing libertarian, but not in the modern sense as being an extension of the Republican or conservative parties), and while I respect where he's coming from, his ideas (taken to their limits) institute another kind of tyranny (perhaps the same kind he was advocating against), one of the minority ruling the majority.

His views on capatalism in the modern American way were generally correct (imho). Special-interests and lobbyists control (pretty much exclusively) the U.S. legislative process, but I couldn't say his view that the government should be focused more on health/education spending to be the kind of libertarianism I would advocate for. (A kind that believes government (particularily federal) to be inherently tyrannical, even in its slightest form.)

Thanks for linking to the interview, it was very enlightening.
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