I have two characters, General Grivous, and The One UC, 1.5M MPR and 1.2M.
I'm thinking about paying for them to be unretired (and sorting out two slot sin my 'bank' characters to make room for them.
Just to set them up to be able to be farmed by any low level character to get a nice fat boost of them.
What would be the best way to set them up?
Melee, with 20 Dex and something like a base dagger? Or something else?
I'll also make sure these names are posted in the Wiki, so all new players can be sure to have a couple of good soft targets on thier way up.
winner winner
February 27 2010 8:23 PM EST
Easy way would be all in archery or some useless skill
February 27 2010 8:47 PM EST
They need to be able to at least draw once in a while with some enemies, or else they'll completely drain of score (therefore ending up useless), maybe even get auto-retired.
You could go 100% FB, for instance (or, at leash, a very high percentage into FB)- it will draw vs any low-MPR targets that have some ranged attacks or an above-trivial amount of AMF.
Fiddle with the HP/FB balance to get the perfect "can easily be killed above a certain MPR, draws vs those below".
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