Scores, Power and Fight Rewards (in General)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 3 2010 7:00 AM EST

OK, I really don't get the reward system in CB any more. Especially Scores contribution.

My Score/PR (for Comparison)

S: 596,723
P: 504,123

I've fought three Clan opponents, and am totally confused by the rewards I've got;

Mighty Avenger (Challenge Bonus 20%)
Reward: 1237 XP

S: 615,174
P: 148,171
M: 102,517

Tzimice (Challenge Bonus 10%)
Reward: 1181

S: 558,015
P: 465,679
M: 328,060

D-Man (Challenge Bonus -6%)
Reward: 1284

S: 449,373
P: 442,293
M: 411,062

Now, I know RNG is playing a factor here.

Challenge Bonus is the bonus I get to rewards, from fighting people with a Score higher than my own, but surely Power Rating has to play some part in Rewards given?

If not, with Score being so easily gamed, the current Reward System is bonkers!

If Power is included (And the Wiki only mentions getting a bonus for fighting those with more Power than yourself), how comes Mighty Avenger gives such great rewards, with a Power 29% the size of my own?

It looks like it's in my best interest to 'game' my opponents Score, to make it as high as possible for them (while gaming my own to keep it as low as possible) for best rewards.

I'm even more determined that Score should be removed from the Reward Structure now...

I suppose now I sohuld start retaining something (with a large weapon equipped?) to game my own score, and I'm even more determined (When my own BA regen is high enough not to suffer) to set up some easy kill large level characters, to game my opponents Scores...

What other ways can we game Score to our advantage?

renamedname [The Forgehood] March 3 2010 7:52 AM EST

1) gimp your own character
2) lose against low score enemies
3) work/sleep
4) ...
5) profit! (don't lose too many clan points due to being an unattractive target)

Guardian March 3 2010 8:27 AM EST

me looking really good xD

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] March 3 2010 8:42 AM EST

Yeah, nice Score! ;)

Seb, yeah, maybe we should all be doing that. It's like defensive setups (which we rightly got rid off) for Rewards.

Wraithlin March 3 2010 5:56 PM EST

The challenge bonus is very very simple.

You take your VPR and compare it vs thier score, that gives you the challenge bonus.

The actual rewards are based off your own MPR, which is also used to calculate your BA regen rates.

RNG probably is the only reason the last fight came out with the most, but the Challenge bonuses are very easy to see why you got each one.

Sickone March 3 2010 6:00 PM EST

Now, I know RNG is playing a factor here.

A HUGE factor, you mean ? You could be looking at a factor of almost *2 between the lowest and highest reward for the same target.
Make it not play a factor anymore - keep fighting several battles and try to calculate or at least approximate "before-RNG" rewards.

Wraithlin March 3 2010 6:04 PM EST

From what I remember when I tried to figure out the system, your reward can be one of 5 when you fight someone. The system does the calulation based on your MPR and adds your challenge bonuses to give X.

You can then recieve one of the following values:


so 2 standard deviations of 10% of the total in either direction.

Sickone March 3 2010 6:18 PM EST

So only *1.5 maximum (1.2/0.8) instead of *2 maximum difference ?
Still pretty big difference :)
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