Clan Alliances (in Debates)

Wraithlin March 5 2010 5:29 PM EST

So I have an idea for alliances that would be fun to implement, let me know what you guys think.

An alliance is made up of 1 standard clan and 1 economic clan. There is no limit to what size either has to be or who the overall leader is. There can be a creation fee if we feel one is needed, and alliance members will have an 'A' at the end of thier name in the fight list.

Members of the standard clan have reduced costs sending items to the economic clan so that they can craft for cheaper.

Members of the economic clan have increased crafting based on the clan ranking of the standard clan.

If the healing potions idea is implemented from the "supporter item" thread then crafted healing potions can be transferred to standard clan members from the economic clan for free.

Attacking someone in an alliance will give an additional 1 clan point above the current levels, and standard clan members will lose 1 additional point.

So even economic clan members, if now a member of an alliance are worth a bit more.

Wraithlin March 5 2010 5:30 PM EST

My suggestion for healing potions in summary:

Craftable items.

Different levels of HP regen.

A minion can hold up to 3 and you can set what HP level % they will use a potion at.
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