Stuff won't be sold for at least a while. (in Public Record)

TheHatchetman March 9 2010 7:14 AM EST

After a few inquiries, I dound that Ranger sent you to me with his FS/WTB thread :P

I WILL NOT be making any sales or major changes to the gear or character that Ranger has given me, as I would very much like to have his stuff intact in the event he decides to return in the near future.

Before anyone goes thinking this is/was a halfway gift with strings attached, I would like to state that it is not, even in the slightest. Ranger has most generously gifted me Heroes with no clause for a return or compensation even in the event he decides tomorrow to stay with CB. He has even encouraged me to sell his equipment for USD if I felt inclined to do so.

I have started making changes in the way Heroes trains newly gotten XP, but will not be unlearning anything until a sufficient amount has been gained so that I could soften the blow of any necessary retraining. I'm not really in a hurry to make any major changes both because I want everything intact, and because just about *ANYTHING* would be a step backwards with the character. Once I'm ready to change things up on a larger scale, I'll begin to consider selling/instaing/trading items.

When and if that time comes, any and all transactions involving USD will be discouraged by the USD:CB rate that I will be setting (probably about 10-20% less than what it is at the time), and any/all USD accumulated from such sales would be going right back to CB, be it through namings, supporter items, or $CB. This is a gift within CB, it will be kept within CB.

Thank you all for your time.

Thank you Ranger for your stuff. May you return quickly, or find that your times are more enjoyable. Either way, I'm here dude.
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