Neptune's Pride (in Off-topic)

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 10 2010 11:50 AM EST

An interesting new gem I discovered today after reading a great article on Rock, Paper, Shotgun (CM me if you'd like, it has one swear word so I won't link to it here) and it's one of the few RTS games I'm genuinely interested in trying out.
Think of it as a space-strategy sim with a serious emphasis on diplomacy. It's best if you guys check out the site:

Perhaps we can all join a galaxy together?

BadFish March 10 2010 1:53 PM EST

Seems kind of sweet. I'd be interested in joining in if a few more CBers wanted to form an alliance. Can you pick where you start or is it random? Because it'd be a lot easier if people you knew started out next to you so you wouldn't clash right away.

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 10 2010 3:44 PM EST

It's random, sadly, but otherwise everyone would crowd the corners.

Mythology March 10 2010 5:42 PM EST

Just signed up, Im in the free galaxy waiting for more players, called Mythology surprisingly :P

Mythology March 10 2010 5:46 PM EST

someone come join up, want to try it out, not wait around :)

BadFish March 10 2010 9:37 PM EST

i joined a free game that was filling up so i'm currently playing. haven't really experienced anything yet, just made a few upgrades and starting sending my fleets out to nearby stars.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] March 11 2010 7:42 PM EST

Is this nice enough we invade and take over?

Unappreciated Misnomer March 11 2010 8:37 PM EST

does anyone want to play this right now, there is a room and we only need 2 more ppl.

Mythology March 14 2010 7:46 AM EDT

My first game turning into a remarkably close run affair, im the bright blue one whos unfortunately stuck right in the bloody middle :) star map neptune pride

Mythology March 17 2010 5:51 PM EDT

Argh! Under attack, any advice from people who've played before, this is my first real battle / war. Yellow is incomming with about 3 fleets with about 40 ships. The only fleet I have in the area I'd moved out before he made his move, only like 7 ships. attack galaxy map neptune's pride

Marlfox [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 17 2010 6:01 PM EDT

I'm not sure I can help you out much, Myth, but a neat trick is to leave a planet with only 1 ship... it'll still take out a bunch of their ships with it. Also, make sure to pump science and weapons.
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