snow tires (in Off-topic)

kevlar March 23 2010 10:30 PM EDT

Friend of mine was asking me about when to take her snow tires off of her car and I thought now would be fine. I asked some others and they say it could still snow up there (Jersey).. but with things warming up it shouldn't stick that bad.. and if it does get that bad, would just have to suck it up and just have them put on again and call it bad luck?

Anyone still have theirs on or going to keep them on for much longer?

Unappreciated Misnomer March 23 2010 10:42 PM EDT

I had the exact same conversation with my old man just the other day. I might keep them until the end of the month.

Demigod March 23 2010 11:18 PM EDT

Do-what-now? I'm wearing shorts and a t-shirt and had the a/c running in the car today. I can't help you with your question... just felt like rubbing that in. :)

kevlar March 24 2010 12:00 AM EDT

^Nice, Demi >;] *starts to fill up some water balloons for ya*

AdminNightStrike March 24 2010 12:03 AM EDT

Who puts snow tires on in Jersey? Jeez...

To answer you, I live here, and it's fine. We're done with snow. Rain, sure. Cold, sure. But don't worry about snow.

kevlar March 24 2010 12:40 AM EDT

Her Mom used to call her every day while in school ... and is probably the reason why she has them there heehe, just a little overprotective. Thanks for the insight.

SundariZelia [The Knighthood] March 24 2010 1:38 AM EDT

We live in PA and got some good snow dumped on us this year but we don't even own snow tires.
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