BM: Votes required higher with less players? (in General)

Flamey March 26 2010 11:15 PM EDT

The number of votes were increased because of some short burst of active players once upon a time. We're nearing <200 active players a week, why is the BM required votes still so high?

ScY March 26 2010 11:34 PM EDT

Nearing>more like been below for a while.

Flamey March 28 2010 11:56 AM EDT


TheHatchetman March 28 2010 1:10 PM EDT

with less players we can't possibly be short enough on items to necessitate a black market ~_^

Admiralkiller [Cult of the Valaraukar] March 28 2010 2:14 PM EDT

I agree with hatch. Has anyone looked in Rentals recently. It's flooded, I don't know much but that tells me that there are plenty of items out there for everyone.

On another note. Some items are nearly impossible to get through the BM. SOD for example.
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