SC2 - Terran Music (in Off-topic)

kevlar April 3 2010 3:01 AM EDT

I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy like it!! >:]] 5 tracks to date:

Tracks 1-2:

- 2nd one at 4:10 is the better one of the two on this link and maybe the best one overall.

Tracks 3-5:

1:38 and on with the fiddle took me a while to get used to but really is sweet

CombatSquirrel April 3 2010 12:28 PM EDT

Sweet. I like the zerg themes too, but the protoss sounds like it was thrown together quickly for beta.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- April 3 2010 3:18 PM EDT

I absolutely REFUSE to listen to this until I buy the game, get completely annihilated in celebration boot it up, and play it. I won't even look/play the beta.

To put it into perspective, the very first SC2 "It's about time" trailer made me cry like aerith (Aeris) just died for the first time...
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