What's the point?? (in General)

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- April 6 2010 3:57 PM EDT

Challenge bonus: 0%...


TheHatchetman April 6 2010 4:00 PM EDT

means you got a bonus, but it was less than 0.5% so it got rounded down...

0.1% is still a bonus ~_^

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] April 6 2010 4:08 PM EDT

You do indeed receive a bonus. Just because your CB bonus says 1 or 2% it could be 1.8% or 1.1%.

{Wookie}-Jir.Vr- April 6 2010 4:16 PM EDT

Ahh I had no idea that the bonus worked like that =)
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