Tal/Kitkat (in Public Record)

AdminTal Destra April 12 2010 5:48 AM EDT

Selling my wife multiple items:

The Final Cut [0] (+11) Amulet of Might
Flux Capacitor [0] (+10) Amulet of Focus
A Breastplate of Expertise [18] (+15)
Raging Inferno [6] (+10) Cloak of the Istari
A Set of Noldorin Spellcasters [0] (+10)
A Helm of Clearsight [-5] (+5)
A Shield of Capacity [0] (+18)
A Pair of Spellboosters [4] (+1)
Elven Long Bow x 0 +0
Elven Boots +0

For a grand total of 14m...
She is trading me her AoJ for 1.5m of this
Kitkat will owe me 12.5m to be paid at her leisure

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] April 12 2010 5:52 AM EDT

Confirming now will send AoJ when I have trans fees.... Tal is waiting for trans fees as well.... SWEET!!!!! =-P

AdminTal Destra April 12 2010 3:07 PM EDT

Sayomi Kimura
(holdings per crapola) Arain (Vixen) Flux Capacitor ($1495095) 3:06 PM EDT
Sayomi Kimura
(holdings per crapola) Arain (Vixen) A Breastplate of Expertise ($268047) 3:06 PM EDT
Sayomi Kimura
(holdings per crapola) Arain (Vixen) Raging Inferno ($483555) 3:06 PM EDT
Sayomi Kimura
(holdings per crapola) Arain (Vixen) A Set of Noldorin Spellcasters ($402910) 3:06 PM EDT
Sayomi Kimura
(holdings per crapola) Arain (Vixen) A Helm of Clearsight ($31891) 3:06 PM EDT
Sayomi Kimura
(holdings per crapola) Arain (Vixen) A Shield of Capacity ($773825) 3:06 PM EDT

will send AoM after its out of rentals

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] April 12 2010 5:17 PM EDT

Arain (Vixen) Sayomi Kimura (Sayomi Kimura) An Amulet of Junction ($1495095) -- As per agreement 4:51 PM EDT

Will send first payment as soon as I can...

AdminTal Destra April 17 2010 12:20 PM EDT

Sayomi Kimura (Sayomi Kimura) Arain (Vixen) A Pair of Spellboosters ($36293) 12:20 PM EDT

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] May 7 2010 12:09 PM EDT

Arain (Vixen) Tal Destra (Sayomi Kimura) $500000 12:07 PM EDT

Debt is now 12 mil.... Still one item to go thought Tal still has AoM in rentals.... See ya q=-P
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