FS/WTB vs Auctions (in General)

QBOddBird May 16 2010 1:39 AM EDT

At the time that I'm creating this thread, 40% of the front page consists of FS/WTB threads, and I do not like it.

I'd like to see a pros vs. cons, compare and contrast, opinion share, etc. on why you would make a FS/WTB thread instead of an auctionhouse entry

Only rule is we are NOT counting USD transactions in any way or form, because that is an obvious reason and doesn't need explaining

But really, I'd rather see everything going through the auctionhouse rather than in the forums where I like to read and rant, so let's explain why we like to use FS/WTB better and what the Auctions system is lacking

I apologize in advance for all criticism of the current system, but knowing NS he doesn't mind a little constructive criticism :)


AdminLamuness May 16 2010 1:55 AM EDT

FS/WTB Forums:

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] May 16 2010 1:55 AM EDT

I prefer the forums because:

-I like doing business with people. Nothing like a good deal that is agreed upon by chatmail. Nice. You can add a greeting and cheers to the deal, which you cannot do in an automated auction.

-You don't need to monitor a thread. You just post, and forget. Wait for a CM and that's all. No sniping, no chairman stealing your loots...just a bump every day.

-Since I already know what my max offer will be, I can just offer to pay that. No need for auctioning then as it kinda defeats the purpose if my max offer is set already. Same when selling, I know what I want for my stuff and I don't feel like risking a lowbie offer in auctions.

-Chatmail deals build your credit record. When you always honor your payments and you do it fast, people tend to want to trade with you more. They also give you discounts sometimes, etc...

Anyway, just a couple things. Auctions are pretty well set up, they work great, but to me FS/WTB is the way to go.

ScrObot May 16 2010 2:22 AM EDT

1. Settings > Uncheck "FS/WTB" from the "show on the home page" section. ;)

2. Auctions do nothing to help with the WTB side of it.

AdminNightStrike May 16 2010 2:29 AM EDT

I really would like to encourage the use of auctions. Right now, a big reason to use them is that the equivalent transfer fee is far less.

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] May 16 2010 2:53 AM EDT

Control is the #1 reason to use FS/WTB. I had a number of high dollar items in for long term auctions recently. I removed them all after getting worried I would actually get a decent price for them. Setting higher starting prices is both expensive, and almost guarantees no bids.

I still want my combined store, with rentals auctions and instas all in the same place.

{DF}malS 'lo emaS [Demon Forging] May 16 2010 3:06 AM EDT

I would like the auction house a little better if there were a way to enter something you are looking to purchase and people could click a "wanted items" link and see what the community is looking for because items people want may get over looked via the fs/wtb threads.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 16 2010 3:35 AM EDT

I'm boycotting the AH due to sniping. All my sales will be in the FS/WTB forum from now on.

But I don't think anyone wants me to reopen that thread. ;)

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] May 16 2010 4:50 AM EDT

"I really would like to encourage the use of auctions. Right now, a big reason to use them is that the equivalent transfer fee is far less."

This isn't necessarily true since you have to always pay a posting fee. You might have to list your item several times to get the price you want which can equal a way higher fee. Noobs tend to do this a lot when trying to sell tattoos.

winner winner May 16 2010 6:23 AM EDT

I almost never use auctions unless I'm feeling too lazy. FS/WTB allows me to get the price that want for my item instead of luck determining the price in auctions.

Cube May 16 2010 7:03 AM EDT

Auction fee is based off the min bid.

Honestly, this never really made sense because there's an easy way around it, setting your min bid to 1, and having a friend make a bid at the minimum you actually want. If friend wins, then swap back.

I think auction fees should just be altogether lowered, and I don't see a reason for it to scale with min bid.

iBananco [Blue Army] May 16 2010 7:48 AM EDT

IMO, only charging a fraction of the auction fee unless the item actually sells would go a long way here. One of the primary reasons that I don't use auctions is because a failed auction costs the fee, while a failed FS/WTB post costs 2K for the entirety of what you're selling.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 16 2010 10:27 AM EDT

i prefer auctions and use those whenever possible.

TheHatchetman May 16 2010 10:32 AM EDT

But I don't think anyone wants me to reopen that thread. ;)

Only cuz it never made sense in the first place ~_^

QBOddBird May 16 2010 10:36 AM EDT

So from what I'm reading here, improvements could be

You can sell items in bulk. The buyer sometimes gets a better deal this way and the seller can off load more of their items.

Being able to make bulk Auction listings, perhaps under the username of the seller

Player interaction? (Buyer and seller conversations)

-I like doing business with people. Nothing like a good deal that is agreed upon by chatmail. Nice. You can add a greeting and cheers to the deal, which you cannot do in an automated auction.

An auction graffiti wall where both buyers and sellers could type would be a possibility to help with Player interaction

I still want my combined store, with rentals auctions and instas all in the same place.

I think that is a fine idea as well, personal user stores

I would like the auction house a little better if there were a way to enter something you are looking to purchase and people could click a "wanted items" link and see what the community is looking for because items people want may get over looked via the fs/wtb threads.

A "currently in demand" sort of thing? Yeah, that would be pretty cool. I agree, when you look through FS/WTB threads it is very easy to overlook items that you may have wanted to purchase.

This isn't necessarily true since you have to always pay a posting fee. You might have to list your item several times to get the price you want which can equal a way higher fee. Noobs tend to do this a lot when trying to sell tattoos.

IMO, only charging a fraction of the auction fee unless the item actually sells would go a long way here. One of the primary reasons that I don't use auctions is because a failed auction costs the fee, while a failed FS/WTB post costs 2K for the entirety of what you're selling.

Fees only being charged when your auction sells would fix this

It would be really nice to get a revamping of the Auctions with some of these feature improvements. :) A lot of them are Very Good Ideas.

AdminNightStrike May 16 2010 11:01 AM EDT

The WTB AH could be like a reverse auction. Post money, and others will bid lower and lower, the winner will pay the item.

AdminNightStrike May 16 2010 11:03 AM EDT

I almost never use auctions unless I'm feeling too lazy. FS/WTB allows me to get the price that want for my item instead of luck determining the price in auctions.

You could sell your itmes via FS/WTB and then transfer them via BIN auctions. I do this anytime I sell an item, for several reasons:

1) Considerably less fees
2) People use past auctions to determine market price. If everything goes through FS/WTB, that doesn't work too well.
3) It helps Mr Chairman be a lot more fair. Part of his perception of market value is based on the past auctions, just like what players do. [*]

[*] GL - yet another reason why your boycott is stupid :P

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 16 2010 11:06 AM EDT

minethings actually has a pretty simple auction/reverse auction interface. you start by clicking a buy or sell link. if there are existing listings, it shows you the lowest one within a buy or sell button, depending on your first choice.

below that it has a field where you can type in the amount you would like to list it for. below that it shows a column for current listings and one for current bids as well as a column for recent sales.

it is pretty intuitive and shows all you need in one pretty simple screen. if i think about it i will screenshot it later.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 16 2010 11:25 AM EDT

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] May 16 2010 11:27 AM EDT

ok, if you hit the buy button, it gives you the option to buy for the lowest listing or create a bid for even lower. if you hit the sell button, it gives you the option to sell for the highest bid or create a listing for even higher. i hope that with the picture it is clear how it functions, if not i will try to explain it more.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 16 2010 12:03 PM EDT

3) It helps Mr Chairman be a lot more fair. Part of his perception of market value is based on the past auctions, just like what players do.

Even though his perceptions can be skewed by getting friends together and Auctioning back and forth and item at an artificially low/high price? ;)

I only stopped my experiment with a Kat, because I was asked to. ;)

AdminNightStrike May 30 2010 5:11 PM EDT

Yes, and it would behoove you to not start that experiment up again :)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] May 30 2010 5:57 PM EDT

Wouldn't dare!

But I tried. Got a second Corn drop, stuck it in the AH with not to unreasonable a price.

Nothing. Not even Mr C. ;)

So off to the FS/WTB I go, where I will continue to bump my FS post until I've got some interest.

AdminNightStrike May 31 2010 1:03 AM EDT

Do your final sale in the AH via BIN, and it'll start to get Mr. C back where he should be. Note that I'm only partially sure that BIN's affect his view of the market.
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