.. Wow... (in Off-topic)

Mesoshort July 1 2010 1:08 AM EDT


Mesoshort July 1 2010 1:11 AM EDT

The good part starts at a minute into the video.

Pwned July 1 2010 1:15 AM EDT

lol what the skittles?

Sickone July 1 2010 1:17 AM EDT

Now that's some heavy-duty flexibility o.0

(CB1)WFP July 1 2010 3:01 AM EDT

two things:
1. i can totally do this........ok not really but i wish i could
2. i am so trading in my fiance for one (or two) of these girls

SimplyNic July 1 2010 4:56 AM EDT

Wow the last few seconds was epic lol.

Eliteofdelete [Battle Royale] July 1 2010 5:28 AM EDT

WFP I will let her know for you ;]

Unappreciated Misnomer July 1 2010 5:35 AM EDT

can they cook and clean? other than that they are hired.

Demigod July 1 2010 7:25 AM EDT

From 1:50 on, my back hurt just from watching.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] July 1 2010 8:20 AM EDT

America really does have talent.... 0.o Let's give them a pole.

Colonel Custard [The Knighthood] July 1 2010 10:42 AM EDT

Wow. That is retarded.

Eurynome Bartleby [Bartleby's] July 1 2010 11:23 AM EDT

What the hell did I just watch?

AdminNightStrike July 1 2010 12:46 PM EDT

3:28 FTW

AdminQBVerifex July 1 2010 1:12 PM EDT

They are crazy mutant women sent from another dimension to enslave us!
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