Hungry forger looking for work, huge jobs welcome (in Services)

Canibus July 10 2010 4:29 AM EDT

Fee between usually between 68 and 75 percent depending on size of job, efficiency etc. CB$ and Paypal accepted, which should allow anyone to hire me, even if you currently are low on CB$. The fine details in rate, possibly $ to CB$. Payment plans are also acceptable as I got around 5mil CB$ to cover forging right away.

Some items you can borrow if needed while i forge:
A Sling of Death [5x1111] (+60)
A Mithril Chain Mail [28] (+48)
A Cloak of the Istari [6] (+13)

The fine details in rate, plans & possibly $ to CB$ conversion are subject to further communication.
Looking forward to suffer from salt cramps thx to excessive sweating.

Oh, and ridiculously huge jobs are welcome :)
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