Questions about a RoBF strategy (in General)

Ankou July 11 2010 12:02 AM EDT

I have been playing around with a few strategies, burning away my NUB while I decide what I want to do. I figured that instead of trying yet another character, I'd ask the opinion of the community. The strategy I am considering is essentially an adaptation to the E:RoBF. So, what I am thinking is to have an EE[E:RoBF]E. Where the first 2 train EC/AS @50/50 and the other 2 train AMF/AS @50/50. Then, each wears a corn and BoE (not RoBF minion) with the rest as wall gear.

From this setup, I drew the following conclusions:
-The BoE + Corn should roughly balance out the -%EO/ED from wall gear to -0% or maybe up a few.
-4 AS minions provide a decent HP base for the team.
-2EC + 2AMF minions + wall gear should reduce damage to an acceptable amount.
- Very weak to DM based teams. A good DM kinda kills this whole thing.

So a few questions that I had: Would this setup be any stronger or weaker than any of the other RoBF based builds? Would this build be viable? So please have at it.

Any help is appreciated and I'd love for holes to be torn in this because that only means I'll learn more about how to succeed at this game.

Wraithlin July 11 2010 12:13 AM EDT

if you swap 1 minion to full ec and the other to full AS you will be stronger against DM teams.

Wraithlin July 11 2010 12:14 AM EDT

and the same goes with the other two as well, full AMF and full AS.

In general if you have 2 minions training the exact same things, you should simplify yourself. Diversifying like that usually makes a team weaker. Plus if they are all just training one skill it's very simple to train.

Ankou July 11 2010 9:58 AM EDT

I guess that would make it stronger, thanks
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