Looking to Loan a small named Melee weapon (in Services)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 29 2010 12:05 PM EDT

Just to test the effects it has on UC. ;)

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 29 2010 12:16 PM EDT

Not needed now, was too eager.

TheHatchetman July 29 2010 12:25 PM EDT

UC is the third check on a damage dealer's attack. First the system checks for DD, and if any are present for the round, ignores weapons and UC. In the absence of DD, the system then checks for melee weapons, at which point if none are found UC will be used.

So a char with 200 UC effect, a base CoC, and a base BoNE will cast CoC, ignoring weapons/UC.
Remove the CoC, and the minion will then attack with the base BoNE, ignoring the UC.
Swap the Bone for a SoD, and the minion will use the SoD in ranged, then UC in melee

AdminNightStrike July 29 2010 12:26 PM EDT

Well.. I could change that. But it doesn't really matter.

AdminQBGentlemanLoser [{END}] July 29 2010 12:29 PM EDT

A Toggle for the Priority would be pure win!

But I was really after testing the naming of a melee weapon and how it works with UC, but it doesn't. ;)
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