Back from Poland with a message (in Off-topic)

sebidach [The Forgehood] August 17 2010 5:48 AM EDT

Zubrowka is the best vodka I ever tasted. Especially with this price! Unfortunately I didn't buy a complete box. :(

If there are vodka drinkers among us: Give this one a try!

Poland is a beautiful land, and I had a really nice week there, bathing in the Baltic Sea even brought back some childhood memories of happiness. :)

Canibus August 17 2010 6:39 AM EDT

It is a nice country indeed. My experience from last time I was in Poland is that its a peaceful country - with no cops around, was in a car crash and had to wait 7 hours for the cops to arrive so insurance would cover our damages -_- I love the Zywiec beer :)
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