SUCKER PUNCH! (in Off-topic)

ResistanZ2 [The Knighthood] August 20 2010 12:00 AM EDT

I just saw the trailer for this. It made me drool in anticipation. This movie looks like it's going to be made of awesome. You can watch the trailer here.

moskel [187ELiTE] August 20 2010 12:05 AM EDT

It looks awesome, I love the 300 stylized almost live comic book action scenes. The name however is horrible, Sucker Punch? Really? Can anyone explain why the name is good?

smallpau1 - Go Blues [Lower My Fees] August 20 2010 12:28 AM EDT

Hudgens? Boo? Yay for everyone else, Jon Hamm especially! Just hope he's as good in there as he is in Mad Men.
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