Nem's Bank CH12 (in Services)

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] September 26 2010 1:08 PM EDT


1-10 mil loan 4% flat interest xfer fee included.

11-30 mil loan 7% flat interest xfer fee included. I need good confidence that this will be paid back before I will loan an amount of this size.

31-50 mil loan 10% flat interest xfer fee included. I need to have very good confidence that this will be paid back before I will loan out such an amount.

Delayed Repayment: You can defer the start of repayment of the loan by 1 month for an additional 3% interest added on. Can defer for longer periods of time upon my approval.

NUB players may also take out loans but will need someone to back you up in the event of a default. This is more important for beginning NUB players rather than ones who have fairly well integrated with game and its society.

Every time you take out a loan your Credit Rating may change. At a CR of +5 and every multiple of 5 thereafter you are eligible to take out a loan of up to 10 mil at only the xfer cost or 1% total interest in other words.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] September 26 2010 1:10 PM EDT

Funding Available: 1 mil

Soxjr: Amount Loaned: 10,500,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
fishead: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR + 1
King: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 2,000,000
Meteor_Phoenix: Amount Loaned: 14,000,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR + 2
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 7,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000

King September 26 2010 1:20 PM EDT

King (King Crimson) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- loan repayment 12:59 PM EDT
fairly sure this was included in the last round of reductions, just posting for the record

KittehShinobu September 27 2010 7:56 PM EDT

Mew mew... 1 mil dropped in between Nat's Masculine legs, 6 more dosage of millions of CBD to go ^_^

King September 30 2010 6:01 PM EDT

King (King Crimson) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- loan repayment 6:00 PM EDT

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 2 2010 1:04 PM EDT

Funding Available: 5 mil

Soxjr: Amount Loaned: 10,500,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
King: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,000,000
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 6,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000

(Natasha watches the darkness intently for intruders and pets the lovely blue kitteh that comes often and keeps her company.)

KittehShinobu October 2 2010 1:04 PM EDT

mew mew

AdminTal Destra October 2 2010 1:04 PM EDT


KittehShinobu October 4 2010 12:14 PM EDT

2 million dropped down, 4 mil left to go

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 5 2010 2:05 AM EDT

Funding Available: 8 mil

Soxjr: Amount Loaned: 10,500,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
King: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 1,000,000
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000

Natasha finishes updating the bank accountings feeling quite safe with her trusty gun at her side.

A Lesser AR of 15 [Red Permanent Assurance] October 5 2010 2:05 AM EDT

I want tuna, I want chicken, Meow Mix flavors keep me lickin.

King October 6 2010 9:13 AM EDT

King (King Crimson) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- end loan 9:13 AM EDT

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 6 2010 3:24 PM EDT

Funding Available: 9 mil

Soxjr: Amount Loaned: 10,500,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
King: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR +1
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000

Natasha is sure her lovely friend will be there to help her out in her time of need.

IIKlutzyKatII [KlawedBellows] October 6 2010 3:25 PM EDT

Kitty says Nat is safe! lol q=-P

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 7 2010 9:17 PM EDT

Now that I am free to post again.

Funding Available: 12 mil

Soxjr: Amount Loaned: 10,500,000 Amount Owed: 3,000,000
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 4,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000

Phoenix [The Forgehood] October 7 2010 9:19 PM EDT

I'll try marking nat here just in case ;) wounded :3

Soxjr October 8 2010 11:31 PM EDT

Soxjr (Sox Jr) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $2000000 -- payment 11:30 PM EDT

Only 1 million to go.

KittehShinobu October 10 2010 2:55 PM EDT

1 mil down, exactly 3 more to go ^_^

KittehShinobu October 13 2010 10:21 PM EDT

2 mil left, before I get loan free ^_^

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 15 2010 5:07 PM EDT

I am giving horseguy001 a 12 mil loan on a deferred payment. He will begin paying me back at around 6 weeks into his new ncb.

Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) horseguy001 (Contest Banker) $12000000 -- loan 5:04 PM EDT

Funding Available: 8 mil

Soxjr: Amount Loaned: 10,500,000 Amount Owed: 1,000,000
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 2,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned 12,000,000 Amount Owed: 13,200,000

Please confirm here.

horseguy001 [Blender 2021] October 15 2010 5:35 PM EDT

This is correct.

Thank you :)

Soxjr October 18 2010 11:29 AM EDT

Soxjr (Sox Jr) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $1000000 -- all paid off 11:28 AM EDT

Finally all paid off. Thanks :)

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 18 2010 2:41 PM EDT

Funding Available: 10 mil

Soxjr: Amount Loaned: 10,500,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR +3
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 2,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned 12,000,000 Amount Owed: 13,200,000

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 18 2010 7:26 PM EDT

I am loaning Tal 5 mil, which is being sent to OB.

Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) QBOddBird (Futae no Kiwami) $5000000 -- from Tal 7:25 PM EDT

Funding Available: 5 mil

Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: 2,000,000
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 12,000,000 Amount Owed: 13,200,000
Mr. Owl: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000

Please confirm here. Thanks ^_^

AdminTal Destra October 18 2010 7:28 PM EDT


KittehShinobu October 19 2010 9:53 AM EDT

^_^ Nattie, 2 mil sent in, my Debt is over =3 rawr

AdminTal Destra October 23 2010 2:21 PM EDT

Mr. Owl (Sink or Float) Natasha' (Storage Mod 1) $5200000 2:20 PM EDT

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] October 24 2010 11:28 AM EDT

I loaned Shin 8 mil and OB 5 mil.

Funding Available: 1 mil

Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 10,400,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR +4
Fluffy Bunny: Amount Loaned: 10,000,000 Amount Owed: 10,400,000
horseguy001: Amount Loaned: 12,000,000 Amount Owed: 13,200,000
Mr. Owl: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: Paid CR +5
Shinobu: Amount Loaned: 8,000,000 Amount Owed: 8,320,000
Pheasant Plucker: Amount Loaned: 5,000,000 Amount Owed: 5,200,000

You can both confirm in here ^_^

QBOddBird October 24 2010 11:30 AM EDT


Phoenix [The Forgehood] October 24 2010 2:18 PM EDT

That's a lot of power. Are you sure it can't be used elsewhere?

QBOddBird October 25 2010 8:45 PM EDT

QBPheasant Plucker
(Futae no Kiwami) Natasha' (Team Rocket) $1200000 -- Repay 1.2M! 8:45 PM EDT

KittehShinobu October 27 2010 4:53 AM EDT

=3 this will sound fun... Loan ALL paid off Nat. ^_^ all 8.32mil of it

QBOddBird October 27 2010 8:13 AM EDT

QBPheasant Plucker
(Futae no Kiwami) Natasha' (Team Rocket) $2000000 -- Repay 2M! 8:13 AM EDT
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