feasible strat? (in General)

AdminTal Destra December 5 2010 11:46 AM EST

Minion 1
AoL, Corn, RoBF, BoF, SoC, EG

Minion 2
UC Hp Str Dex
AoF, HoC, Gi, Axbow, HGs, EC, SoC, EB

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 11:50 AM EST

The axbow's not going to work well with the shield of capacity.

Pwned December 5 2010 11:51 AM EST

UC will

AdminTal Destra December 5 2010 11:55 AM EST

the axbow is to cut the amount of times they hit me... with elb its guaranteed one hit, so i figure if i fight elb users, i get the benefits of axbow and soc/uc

AdminQBnovice [Cult of the Valaraukar] December 5 2010 11:57 AM EST

UC has enough evasion to make the SoC not work

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 11:57 AM EST

what would be the benefit of the SoC if they won't be hitting you?

AdminTal Destra December 5 2010 11:58 AM EST

what do you suggest then?

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 11:59 AM EST

I'd go Mithril shield..

Pwned December 5 2010 12:00 PM EST

why a MS if noones gonna hit him....... you just made yourself look silly

Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 12:01 PM EST

Mage shield if mages are eating you alive (which they probably will).

QBPit Spawn [Abyssal Specters] December 5 2010 12:23 PM EST

could also RoS on the first minion, no hp on the second. Also could put decay/NS on the first minoin

Sickone December 5 2010 12:39 PM EST

Go with exbow instead of axbow and mage shield instead of SoC.

AdminTal Destra December 5 2010 12:51 PM EST

Minion 1
AoL, Corn, RoS, BoF, SoC, EG

Minion 2
UC Str Dex VA
AoF, HoC, Gi, Exbow, HGs, EC, EB

QBOddBird December 5 2010 1:02 PM EST

UC has enough evasion to make the SoC not work

Somebody wasn't paying attention to my last NCB

AdminTal Destra December 5 2010 1:11 PM EST

Minion 1
AS, base Decay
AoL, Corn, RoS, BoF, SoC, NSC

Minion 2
UC Str Dex VA
AoF, HoC, Gi, Axbow, HG, EC, EB

should work best like this, no?

AdminTal Destra December 5 2010 2:33 PM EST


Kefeck [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 3:05 PM EST

Exbow is better then the axbow.. High plus to hit tanks can still hit even if you nuke there dex.

AdminTitan [The Sky Forge] December 5 2010 3:09 PM EST

I don't think minion1 will live to melee.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 4:27 PM EST

AoI instead of AoL, PL and no decay on the front minion (if you are going with RoS that is). BoM on the second minion would likely be best. If you go with MgS you have to forsake VA. With the RoS defending your VA I think that would be the better choice. SoC wouldn't be worth it enough, not if you are going with a specialty xbow and UC for defense.

AdminNemesia [Demonic Serenity] December 5 2010 4:28 PM EST

Oh and AMF on the first minion. You could either do a small one to counter decay or you could train one fairly larger, that would also be effective.
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