Love the pack but I think the steelers will have an edge this game..
February 3 2011 6:16 PM EST
Is betting allowed and would anyone like to?
February 3 2011 6:21 PM EST
I got 2 mil on the steelers
Not 100% sure betting is allowed. I know when a contest happens the host may not profit from it and profits must go to tourney fund.
I have seen bets made and allowed before.
February 3 2011 6:27 PM EST
Well I'm definitely willing to put up 2 mil for anyone who takes the packers
February 3 2011 6:46 PM EST
AK - I'm 100% sure betting is allowed
February 3 2011 6:49 PM EST
I will take your bet Omega. but not sure on the 2mil yet. I'll let you know the amount tomorrow.
I've got 2m on the game sucking (agreement and clarification on exactly what constitutes suck would be needed obviously)
Lord Bob
February 4 2011 12:06 AM EST
I don't even know who is playing.
If Green Bay and Rogers can pass before the Pittsburgh rush gets to him, then they will walk up and down the field. If not, then Pittsburgh rolls....
Steelers are going win. And I'm only saying that because I'm a Bears fan. <.<
Sadly enough i must say Steelers... Im still wondering what happened to Baltimore a few weeks back...
I don't follow This sport much but my friends does and he loves pitts so I guess I'll cheer for them.
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