tattoo artist (in General)

Alexisonfire March 8 2011 11:37 PM EST

ok so i want to change my FF into a RoBF, i have both, i select the tattoo i want to change (FF) but the second drop down box remains empty, even when i click it... whats going on?

QBOddBird March 8 2011 11:42 PM EST

Is one of them lesser? They have to both be regular tattoos or both be lessers in order for it to work.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 8 2011 11:44 PM EST

transfer record shows it as a full and not lesser. could it have accidentally been loaned to you instead of transferred? does the transfer records show that somewhere?

Alexisonfire March 8 2011 11:45 PM EST

nope, they are both regular =/

Alexisonfire March 8 2011 11:46 PM EST

doesnt say it was loaned to me, cheaked the manage page.

Admindudemus [jabberwocky] March 8 2011 11:47 PM EST

hmm, unequip both and try that way? not sure if that doesn't help, maybe someone else will chime in though!

Alexisonfire March 8 2011 11:50 PM EST

still doesnt work =/

Demigod March 8 2011 11:55 PM EST

Has anyone inked a tat in the past week? If not, I can sacrifice a base one to test it.

Demigod March 8 2011 11:57 PM EST

the second drop down box remains empty

Nevermind, they showed up in mine, so it works.

Alexisonfire March 9 2011 12:54 AM EST

durr i am an idiot: i am using my psp to play this, and i guess the javascript on the psp just doesnt know what to do... =/
also i cant get on a comp, so i guess im stuck? heh.

Soxjr March 9 2011 5:31 AM EST

Ok. I know what you can do. Send both tattoo's to someone. The can ink it for you and then they send it back. I'm sure any of the people on forums with admin tags can do it and they are trustworthy. Since you are new. If you are worried about the items make a deal with someone and make a pr post, but I'm sure there are a lot of people that would be willing to do this to help you out.
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